Get inspired to get happy! Here are a few tools to create a happier life.

You’ve got a lot of reasons to be happy – really! 😉

Get Out of Your Head & Get on with Your Life! Smile, Laugh, Choose Joy!

Being happy goes beyond just pleasant emotions. Learning to remain joyful throughout the day can have dramatic and positive effects on physiology and improves overall well-being. Isn’t that enough reason to keep smiling? Say Yes 😉

However, feeling anxious, worried, overwhelmed, and sad are all real feelings. Not to discredit them; it is understood that they are valid feelings with real impact. Sometimes snapping out of the funk may be harder than just wishing for it, but it doesn’t hurt.  Affirmations of joy and goodness can invite those qualities into your life.

There has been much research performed on happiness and enhancing the mind. Below are a few techniques that can help create a happy mindset:

Choose Joy

The first and most fundamental responsibility for a human being is to decide just what sort of person to be.  You can choose to be a joyous being. To be happy is not the ultimate aspect of life, it is the foundation of life. If you are happy and open to allow great possibilities of JOY to fill your life, more joy will appear. An open mind and heart is integral in this transformation.

Whatever you reap, you sow.  Goodness and light cannot be given to others when you are empty of both.  Unless something of true value happens within you, you cannot do anything of tremendous value to the world. So, if you are concerned about the world, the first thing you must do is transform yourself into a joyous being.  Take time to replenish and improve your mental, physical and emotional state. Taking care of you first will allow you to help others.

Realize that Joy is your true nature.  Self-realization is key. It does not matter what you are pursuing in your life, whether it is business, power, education or service, you are doing so because somewhere deep inside you is a feeling that this will bring you happiness. Every single action that we perform on this planet springs from an aspiration to be happy because it is the original nature. Think of a child, they are simply happy. That is your nature. The source of joy is within each one of us.

Dance your troubles away

Make a list of worries, and prioritize them. What you can control should be at the top of the list. What you cannot control at the bottom. Once they are written down and prioritized, let those worries go.  Carrying every worry every moment is too heavy a load for anyone. Tackle each anxious moment individually. One way to transform an anxious moment into a thankful one is through music. Music is a powerful tool to change a mood and shift energy. Create an Anti-Worry playlist. When the worry sets in press PLAY and release the JOY inside. Dance, Sing, Color, Draw, allow the mind to be free and enjoy the change in attitude and outlook that occurs.

 What you think about, you will bring about

Your attention naturally flows in the direction of whatever you hold as important. If your thoughts and your emotions are your first priority, naturally your whole attention will go there. Suffering is not showered upon us, it is manufactured. No one has the power to make YOU feel anything except YOU. The manufacturing unit is in your mind. It is time to shut down the manufacturing unit and focus on what brings joy and peace. Mantras or affirmations are a good tool to convince your mind and yourself of the positivity that is at work in your life.  Welcoming good to your life invites good into your life.

Sample Mantras:

Today has infinite possibility to be good

I release myself from worry, fear, and sadness

Today, I am not going to allow worry, sadness, or fear to derail my sense of peace and joy.

 For more ideas search Bob Baker’s positive affirmations on U Tube.


When you get up in the morning, the first thing you should do is smile. At whom? YOU! Because the fact that you woke up at all is not a small thing. So many people who slept last night did not wake up today; but you woke up. Look around and if there is someone, smile at them. For so many people, someone dear to them did not wake up today. Everyone who is dear to you woke up – Wow! It’s a great day, isn’t it? Then go out and take a look at the trees. They didn’t die last night either. Celebrate the miracle of a brand new day!

Don’t wait to appreciate your life, your loved ones, your gifts, your BEING. It is not certain when any of these things will cease to exist. Appreciate it and smile. Learn to look at people lovingly. Appreciate the beautiful things around your that enhance your life:  trees, birds, the sunrise, the moonlit sky, your family, your friends, the sounds around you, the bed you slept in, your home. The list can go on. When in need, you could pull out pen and paper and actually make the list of those things that spark joy.

Take care of yourself


When we are stressed or feeling worried, we tend to throw self-care out the window. Having a self-care checklist can be helpful to ensure the body, mind, and soul are being taken care of. Important things to do for yourself like staying hydrated, eating satisfying and healthy meals, getting enough sleep and plenty of exercise, tidying your living space, and practicing good hygiene are all integral in caring for yourself and improving your life.

The quality of your life is not determined by the clothes you wear, the education you have, the family you come from, or the bank balances that you hold. Rather, the quality of your life depends upon how peaceful and joyous you are within yourself.


Ask for Help

Remember that you are never alone. At any given time, there are people who care about you and are ready to help. It’s important to know that it’s OK to ask for help. There are also many resources to use that include: Self-help books, Therapy, Religion, Help lines, Affirmation cards, Podcasts, Meditations, etc.  We live in a time that information is literally at our fingertips.  Learn what helps you the most by experimenting!

It is definitely time we look inward and see how to create personal wellbeing. From your own experience of life, you can clearly see that true wellbeing will come to you only if your mindset changes. Many of the tips listed above were referenced from the book “The No Worry, Workbook” by Molly Burford