5 Dimensions of WELLNESS
What is your definition of wellness? Wellness can mean a variety of things. Each person’s ideal for wellness is different. For some, wellness is related exclusively to the body; how it performs in activities, or how it looks. For others, it can have a meaning that can include a more spiritual or mental aspect. After last year’s quarantine, and the world’s continuing changes because of the pandemic, we have grown to see the monumental importance of our overall wellbeing. Now, more than ever, we must take care of our bodies as well as our minds. Following are some tips to cultivate the five dimensions of wellness in your life:
Spiritual Wellness: Spiritual Wellness involves connecting to something greater than yourself. Following a set of values, morals, or beliefs to guide your life in behavior and outlook. Spiritual wellness and the habits it creates and enforces has the potential to make decisions and choices easier. These spiritual habits can also provide a sense of purpose and meaning. Cultivate spiritual wellness by having a powerful reason. Remind yourself regularly why these behaviors are important to you. Create a vision board. Start to journal or draw the items that have meaning to you. Revisit the vision board often to strengthen the goal/aspiration. Meditate, breathe, think, pray. Connect with whatever higher power improves your wellbeing.
Physical Wellness: Physical wellness involves making choices to fuel and improve your body daily. Finding a balance is essential to wellness in all aspects of the physical self. A balance is necessary in areas of sleep, movement, nutrition, hygiene, relaxation, sexual health, management of illnesses and allergies, and the usage of drugs and alcohol. If you are able to find the right balance between these physical attributes, and limit or eliminate the habits that are a detriment to physical health, wellness can be achieved. Prioritize the needs of your body, and form healthy habits. Good physical wellness practices can lead to overall improved thinking, clarity, and better mood. Practicing healthy nutrition, exercise, and sleep habits can drastically improve many aspects of your life. Don’t wait for motivation to do something- do it when you think of it. Movement should take place daily. Have fun, do what feels good, but don’t overdo it. Listen to your body. Physical activity should be enjoyable even if it is at times difficult.
Intellectual Wellness: Intellectual wellness concerns the creativity and mental growth that we develop over time. Make time for yourself and your interests. Think about your aspirations, your dreams, and desires. Continue to expand your knowledge of topics of possible interest. Do activities that expand your creativity. Curiosity helps us to be open to new things and new experiences. When curiosity strikes, follow it! This can help pique the interest in new topics. Knowledge is endless, so take advantage of the infinite opportunities available to you. Become a “lifelong learner.” Pick a hobby that may be difficult at first. When you challenge yourself, you will grow both intellectually and personally. Variety truly is the spice of life, and boredom can be detrimental to our overall wellbeing.
Social Wellness: Social wellness refers to the relationships we have and how we interact with others. This dimension involves building healthy, nurturing, and supportive relationships, as well as fostering a genuine connection between yourself and others. Social wellness is important to maintaining harmony in all relationships, as well as contributing to a positive overall wellbeing. Tune in to your relationships. Be present during interactions. Make time for you and the relationships that bring you joy. If you already feel stretched thin, spend time outdoors. If you have a pet, go for a walk. Call your friend, write a letter, go out to lunch, start a blog. Think of ways to embark on this journey that works with your lifestyle, and improves your life in meaningful ways.
Emotional Wellness: Emotional wellness is the process of recognizing, understanding, and accepting our emotions. It involves the ability to remain in the present moment and effectively handle changes or obstacles that come your way. Emotions allow us to experience life in a meaningful way. Mindfulness is a practice of tuning in to the present moment. Mindfulness is a tool that affects the way we react to a situation, or the action that takes place. Allow yourself freedom to feel and choose how to act. Start a Gratitude journal. A gratitude journal gives a space to remember the good things in life. When you jot down things for which we are grateful, the brain release ‘feel good” hormones, i.e., dopamine and serotonin. This helps better your mood, helping us feel optimistic and experience more joy and pleasure.
Think of WELLNESS as an entire Mind/ Body connection. Follow these tips to help improve mood, boost your spirit and create a healthier body.